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The 2012 EON Hanse Cup

The EON Hanse Cup is a annual rowing and music festival held on the at Rendsburg in Germany. The rowing part of the event is two sprint races – one at the start of the festival and the other later in the week followed by the main race – a 12.7 km marathon from Brieholz to the railway bridge at Rendsburg, This year national eights from Germany, Australia and Great Britain will take part with the event concluding on Sunday 30th September.

SUBC’s Nick Purnell, Ryan Edwards and Matt Edstein have been selected in what is an Australian development eight for this event. Purnell has recently returned from London after stroking the Aussie men’s eight at the 2012 Olympics. Ryan Edwards (stroke) has this year won bronze in the men’s quad at the U23 World Championships and only two weeks ago stroked the Sydney Uni eight to a remarkable “come from behind” victory in the Gallagher Great Race in New Zealand. Matt Edstein rowed in the SUBC U21 squad in 2007-8 winning the NSW U21 eights that season. Matt studied at Harvard from 2008 to 2012 recently winning the Ladies Challenge Plate at 2012 Henley Royal in the Harvard eight. Also in this crew are NSW rowers Spencer Turrin and Alex Lloyd from Sydney Rowing club – both were members of the 2012 Australian U23 eight.

The Australian eight is coached by Tom Morris, Head Coach of Sydney Rowing Club. Tom coached the 2012 Australian U23 Men’s eight to bronze at the U23 World Championships.



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