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Warming up for Chilly Tassie

The club’s women’s masters’ squad are currently deep in preparations for the Australian Masters Championships, which this year are at Lake Barrington, in Tasmania, 10-13 May.

Last time the AMC was at Lake Barrington, in 2011, the sleet began on the last racing day but the snow held off until we were loading the trailers to go home. The squad is hoping the weather will be even kinder this time so we can really enjoy this beautiful if remote, venue.

The six athletes attending the Championships this year are training 4-8 on-water sessions per week, plus 2-4 off-water sessions, in preparation for racing in 2-s, 2xs, 4-s, 4xs, and 8+s (composites with others clubs). As a warm-up, the squad has taken advantage of the specialist masters regattas on Iron Cove – last week at the Drummoyne Masters Regatta we took out one 1st, one 2nd, two 3rds and a 4th.

The Tassie Team 2018 is pictured with their coach Phil Titterton.



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