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Sydney Uni Rowing – Notice of Outcome of Special General Meetings and New General Meeting re A

NOTICE REGARDING OUTCOME OF GENERAL MEETINGS HELD TUESDAY 26TH AUGUSTThe respective special general meetings of SUBC and SUWRC resolved to amalgamate the two clubs and adopt a revised constitution signifying this amalgamation. The resolution to amalgamate into a single club will be reviewed by SUSF Management and SUSF General Committee for final ratification.


Notice is hereby given of a general meeting of the amalgamated SUBC to be held on Wednesday 16th September for the purpose of election of Office Bearers.

Nominations are called for the following for SUBC: President Vice president Female Captain Male Captain Treasurer Secretary Undergraduate Student Member

All nominations are to be sent to the temporary secretaries Anika Lalic Or Nominations close Tuesday 15th September at 5pm. Nominees must be present at the general meeting.

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