The 18th May saw the christening of seven additions to the SUBC fleet. All the boats were baned after alumni save our new coxed four which was named “1860 HOR”. The 1860 to commemorate the beginnings of the Boat Club and the HOR being an acronym for “Home of Rowing” – which is what the Club aims to be – at least in the Sydney pond. Mr Bruce Ross, the inaugural President of SU Sport was on hand to do the honours and to congratulate the Club on its performance in season 2002-3.
Bruce has been Predident of the Men’s Sports Union from 1990 to 2002 and was elected unopposed to the role of President of SU Sport following the amalgamation of the sporting bodies at Sydney University on 1st January 2003. Under the leadership of Bruce and Director Greg Harris Sydney University sport has made remarkable strides over the past twelve years with dramatic improvements in performance, participation and organisation.
Major milestones of this stable era include, construction of the new sports centre, introduction of SU Sport Scholarships and professionalisation of administration and coaching.