Boat Club Honoured in Sydney Uni Sport 2020 Sports Awards
Sydney University Boat Club’s Learn To Row Program has been honoured in the 2020 Sports Awards with the Vice Chancellor’s Participation Award. The program which has been run and managed by coach Jack Hanley for the past two years was able to field a mixed eight which won the novice eights event at the 2019 Australian Boat Race, held in Melbourne last October.
Unfortunately, due to COVID 19 restrictions the program has not been able to be run so far in 2020.
Congratulations to our novice rowers and to coach Hanley.
Former long-time President of the club, Chris Noel, now SUBC’s Secretary was awarded the Rosenblum Male Club Administrator of the Year. Chris was partly recognized for his long-term contribution to the Boat Club but also for his involvement and leadership with Sydney University sporting clubs in the governance review of Sydney Uni Sport and Fitness in 2019-2020. Chris has served on the Boat Club Committee most years since 1987 and on the Management Committee of Sydney University Sport from 1991-2009. This is also Chris Noel’s second time winning this award, having previously won it in 1995. Chris has also served on the Board of Rowing NSW and for a term as its President.
With gatherings banned the 2020 Sports Awards Dinner was not able to go ahead. The Awards Committee of Sydney University Sport announced the awards last week.
In other awards – The Athletics Club was awarded the “Premier Club of the Year” after a series of successful years during which they have established themselves firmly as a leading athletics club in Australia. Baseball was awarded “Club of the Year”. The full list of awards is shown in the photos below.