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SUBC Alumnus Coaches US Junior

Alastair Stvenson rowed at SUBC from 1991-95 in a number of Intervarsity crews and the Japan eight of 1993. After leaving uni Alastair moved to Canberra where he coached at Canberra Grammar while working for the Australian Government. Alastair’s work has taken him to the US and after his master’s career was cut short by a skiing accident last January he took up coaching again.

Joe Medioli ( pictured) joined Alastair’s squad in March this year and quickly improved his sculling performaces reducing his best times from 7.43 to 7.17 in the US Junior selection races.

Due to work commitments Alastair was not able to make the trip to Spain but another coach in the program , Greg McClure went. Joe finished 3rd in Final B in the single scull in 7.12 – a quite pleasing improvement and performance.

Alastair works for PIRA Energy Group as the Director of International Coal. PIRA is a well known energy consultancy firm retained by most of the world’s large energy corporations. PIRA is located in New York and Alastair and his wife Janelle have not long had their first child – a baby girl.

Alastair keeps in touch with goings on at SUBC through the club website and looks forward to a visit by SUBC teams to the US. SUBC wishes Alastair future success and staisfaction in his coaching. It’s good to know that SUBC alumni are contributing to the future of our sport.



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