SUBC Committee Meeting – Monday 11th April 2016
1 – Welcome
2.1 & 2.2 – Minutes of SUBC Meeting & Business Arising (Agenda Action Sheet)
Meeting minutes to be drafted and sent to the committee within 2 days of the meeting for review. Approved minutes to be added to the website for all members to view. If there are no comments, it is considered that you have read these and they can be published
Email to be sent to all club members re: meeting dates etc
Meetings to be held every 2nd Tuesday of the month – AL to send out meeting dates to all exec committee members
3.1 – April 2016 President Report
Presidents report to be organised for next meeting
Need to be aware of the procedures around hire/loan of boats – written agreement in case of damage etc
Need to check on what insurance this comes under
4.1 – Finance Report as at 31/3/16
No report as yet – to be delivered next meeting
Need to find out the parameters of the coaches contracts and who they are accountable to. SC to follow up.
5.1 – Future Committee Meeting Dates/Venues/Attendees
Ask the coaches to attend the next committee meeting with a coaches report – Monthly coaches report must be submitted prior to each committee meeting, coach attendance at committee meetings optional, unless requested to do so.
5.2 – Review of SUBC Constitution
Working group – Anika, Sarah and Nick – to be drafted with tracked changes by July meeting
Fee structure – identifying the broad view of the club
Is there a possibility to put a freeze on memberships for going away?
More discussion at next meeting regarding fee structure and payment dates – fundraising and membership sub-committee to make a recommendation to SUBC committee for next meeting
5.3 – Committee Structures & Roles
Putting committee structure on website for feedback and expression of interest from club members for these – AL to have these put on SUBC website
John to assist Chris and Steve to continue Boatshed fundraising
5.4 – Sub-Committees
Expansion of committee to include 2 general positions – further discussion needed on this point
Scope and objectives for recruitment
Definition of current executive roles – further discussion necessary
Chair of high performance committee to be undertaken by Sarah Cook
Executive Committee members to seek and approach potential candidates for appropriate sub-committees.
Chair and members of sub-committees to be appointed and approved at next committee meeting.
5.5 – Trello
AL to send out email re: trello and instructions for use – SUBC board
5.6 – Process for reports from sub-committees/coaches/captains
Report from each of the sub-committees, coaches and captains for the monthly meetings – may decide to involve the chair or coaches to attend a meeting if necessary
Last month, next month – what has happened last month and what is due to happen next month
6.1 – Broadway Crown Sponsorship Proposal
Numerous good options for us in terms of meals, functions, fundraisers etc
Sarah to send club numbers to Hotel for card printing
Need to make use of it as much as possible
6.2 – General Business
John to come back to the committee with some recommendations for reimbursements at the next meeting
LTR regatta – 1st May 2016 – hoping to make a big event out of this. AL to email members about this and have them contact Rebecca with enquiries
Need to reinforce that we are one club now – merging of social media pages
Shared Instagram page – Olivia to start
Presence of current rowing group at SUSF events – more involvement
Meeting closed 9.48pm
Next Meeting to be held Tuesday 3rd May 2016 (Venue TBC)