Sydney University Head Coach, Don McLachlan has announced the Boat Club crews for the 2018 University Rowing Championships to be held next week 26-28th of September at Wyaralong Dam near Beaudesert in Queensland.
Special mention should be made of Richard Ledger – Richard on;y started rowing in April/ May this year and has been selected in the Sydney Team for these championships.
(The photo shows the 2007 Intervarsity team from Sydney who won a largwe number of titles)
The team will defend eight titles won in 2017 including::
The Overall Champions Trophy – The Centenary Cup
The Overall Men’s Trophy – The Bill Webb Trophy
The Oxford and Cambridge Cup – Men’s Eights.
The 2018 Team will be:
M2x Morgan Brooking,Devlin Walsh
W1x Wallis Russell
W2- Jaime Ford,Dyone Bettega
WL4x Stephanie Harper,Michaela Franz,Tara Rigney,Lizzie Treloar
M4+ Marcus Britt,David Bartholot,Jordan Duff,Will O’Shannessy,Andrew Le(c)
ML1x Leon Chambers
W2x Emma Jalalaty,Stephanie Harper
W8+Lizzie Treloar,Olina Parrish,Michaela Franz,Raquel Cuevas,Jaime Ford,Tara Rigney,Wallis Russell,Dyone Bettega,Talia Barnet-Hepples(c)
M2-Marcus Britt,Will O’Shannessy
M1x Richard Ledger
WL1x Lizzie Treloar
W4+Wallis Russell,Olina Parrish,Jaime Ford,Dyone Bettega,Talia Barnet-Hepples(c)
M8+ Marcus Britt,Devlin Walsh,Jackson Kench,Morgan Brooking,Jordan Duff,David Bartholot,Leon Chambers,Will O’Shannessy,Andrew Le(c)
Mix4+ Lizzie Treloar,Michaela Franz,Jackson Kench,Morgan Brooking,Talia Barnet-Hepples(c)
Mix8+ Wallis Russell,Tara Rigney,Jaime Ford,Dyone Bettega,Marcus Britt,David Bartholot,Leon Chambers,Will O’Shannessy,Andrew Le(c)